Montreat Scottish Society

Montreat Scottish Pipes & Drums
shown above at 2004 MSS Scottish Gala)

(Shown below at 2004 Kirkin' in Montreat)

Montreat Scottish Pipes & Drums — 2005 Appearances          
    For over 28 years, the Montreat Scottish Pipes & Drums band has entertained thousands while promoting the heritage and growth of traditional Scottish music.  Based out of the Asheville area, the band includes members from Avery, Buncombe, Henderson, Transylvania, and Jackson Counties in North Carolina. 
   Here is a current list of scheduled appearances by the band so far in 2006.
March 18 Tryon Fine Arts Center, Tryon, NC
April 8 Montreat Scottish Society Gala — Montreat, NC
May 28 (Sunday) Pipin' o' the Green, 10:15 a.m.,
Kirkin' o' the Tartan (worship service), 11 a.m.
Anderson Auditorium, Montreat, NC (see map)
July 4 (Tuesday) Montreat 4th of July Parade
July 7 - 9 Grandfather Mountain Highland Games
Linville, NC
September 2 (Sat.) Smoky Mountain Folk Festival, Lake Junaluska, NC
September 24 (Sunday) Kirkin' — Marion First Presbyterian Church
Marion, NC
October 14 Waynesville Downtown Festival
November 4 Foothills Highland Games & Festival
Jackson Park, Hendersonville, NC
November 5 Kirkin' — Hendersonville First Presbyterian Church 
Hendersonville, NC
November 26 Feast of St. Andrews 
St. James Episcopal Church, Hendersonville, NC
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Questions, contact
Ron Vinson or Anna Hodgkin